Index of Poems
INDEX OF POEMS of Ezra Ben-Meir
11 Rain
12 Wasting Sway
13 A Non-Sportsman
14 Abortion
15 1980, The Invasion of Afghanistan
16 Hydrogen
17 Sunrise in the Winter Desert
18 Gene Suicide
19 Until We see Each Other
20 The Vigil
21 Reality
22 The Unknown Job
23 The Difference
24 How Could You?
25 Insanity
26 on removing subsidies from milk
27 Absolute Zero
28 Icecream
29 And on Gouda cheese
30 Seriously
31 Undated
32 Life Insurance
33 To one of our sons
34 לרגע
35 Through Your Veins
36 שמעני ילדי
37 The Healer
38 To Help
39 The Earthworm
40 Steps on the Moon
41 If it were only real ...
42 Fishing
43 Please Write Again
44 An Inkling of the Future
45 The Tin Shack
46 The Lizard on the Rock
47 Waves of sound
48 The Bridge
49 Interlude
50 Rest Now
51 No Escape
52 The Beach
53 How Guilty?
54 בעד
55 Unwanted
56 The Adjective
57 Symphony Concert
58 The Nightmare
59 An Island Here or There in December 1979
6o The Fight
61 The Invasion of Afghanistan
62 Heigh!
63 Public Transport
64 A Maneuver
65 Sweetened Peanut Butter
66 The Whirlwind
67 A Thought
69 A Ski Holiday
70 Litterbug
71 Passing By
72 Think of me please
73 Fishing Again
74 Thanks for the Gift
75 Something to Eat
76 Comfortable
78 Eyes, Travelling
79 Whose Flag?
80 A Tear Has Gone
8l The Eagle Flies
82 Hay fever
83 Actions keep Talking
87 Hard to Explain
88 Lost in the Alphabet
89 Blotted
90 Say Not
91 Don’t Tell Them
92 Am
93 The Mosquito
94 The Hell from Mount St. Helens
95 Shapes
96 An Ambulance in the Bay
97 A Crystal Dawn in the Galilee
98 The flight of the Birds
99 No-one
100 Escape in the Bath
101 Fear
l02 The Central Bus Station
103 Somewhere must be, Free
104 Hairs Tickling my neck
105 Ice-Age
106 Continuity
107 A Flying Visitor
108 A Day of Rest
109 Jerusalem
110 a Road Crossing
111 Having Been
112 A Holiday in Sinai
113 Let Them Be
114 The Ball
115 Fallen Star
116 He came from Gruzia
117 Discovery is Meditation
118 Morning Beside the Tents at Ras Burqa
119 Two Trees
120 The Warped Mirror
121 Perhaps one Day Again
122 Hubris
123 Waiting for an American Visa
124 Two Belt Buckles in November
125 A Walk Through the Centre of Milano
126 The Threshing Machine
127 The Dustbin
128 The Bird Tree
129 Snorkelling for Successive Years in the Red Sea
131 Openings
132 Young Love
133 A pause at School
134 Dani’s poems
135 Furtive Waters
136 Before the storms
137 Kosovo
138 After Adam
139 The Shadow of the Wall
140 Timelessly
141 The Freedom in my Prison
142 The Enveloping Mist
143 On the Hill
144 The Cardamon
145 Fly Now
146 To Wendy & Clive
147 For Some
148 Next Time
149 Not topless
150 The Changing Autumn
151 Still Open
152 Collecting Wood along the Red Sea Shore
153 After We have Gone
154 When You Shout Halleluyah! at Passover
155 Tearing Shreds
156 Take Care
157 The Fish Pond
158 Free to Look Out
159 Training for the Day it might be Real
160 Play! Children! before you’re Eighteen
161 Accused
162 Vision
163 Almost Painless
164 Reflections
165 In the News
166 Even Reindeer fight
167 The Convent on Lake Bled
168 Older
169 The Electronic Game
170 The Fragrance of Death
171 Don’t Shrink
172 The Water Skis
173 The Slightest Rock to Lean Against
174 Hello! Goodbye
175 The Whore
116 Early in the Morning and Late at Night
177 The Binding of Isaac
178 Crying
179 A memory from a Monastery
180 Two ponies in Norway
181 A minute of Time
182 The Chemists
183 The Deceit
184 a Greeting!
185 We buried him so young
187 Cutting Tool
188 of Snowflakes and Love
189 Purim notices
190 The Factory Floor
191 To Brina at 50
192 Enough! June 1982
193 Basic
194 Tanks Speak Louder than Tears —
195 Love Story
196 In Memory of Ze’ev Cain
197 איננו עוד
198 Time Out
199 Noise in the Factory
200 Robots Can Hurt as Well
202 Continuity
203 SOP Ezra’s pickled cucumbers
204 Katzrin ....
205 Three Trees
206 Surprised
207 and Hanah went up to Shiloh
208 The Throw of the Dice
209 Broken Bond
210 Treading Lightly
211 The Gilboa Iris
212 Cries
213 Eighteen
214 Full Blast
215 Evening Prowl
216 A Walk in London Smog
217 A Tree
Planted by Streams of Water- Psalm 1
218 Enmeshed
219 Today’s Memories of World War II
220 Trumpeldor Should Know
221 A Lemon Hangs
222 Ein Ani Rotzeh Lada’at
223 Community .
224 Union
225 One-Sided Love
226 The Storm
227 The Pursuit
228 A Touch of the Old
229 Paths
230 Back to School
231 History Ble nded in Every Cell
232 The Drummer
233 Marking Out at Tel Mathata
235 Listening
236 In the Governor inn, Morristown
237 On the Beach
238 Sustenance
239 How wifl it be?
240 I’ll Sightsee on Another Day
241 Evening Prowl
242 On Fire
243 Going Up from Isenfluh to Sulwold
244 I’m Sorry
245 After the Hail in Munich, July 1984
246 The Streets
247 All Men Are Born Equal, Indeed.
248 ….
249 The Mechanics of Death
250 The Choice
251 Hot Pressed
252 The Burnt House
253 Dead, The Lizard
254 My Love
255 Stung
256 Who?
257 The Harvest
258 The Beehive
259 The Joke
260 Purim spiel
261 Go Away!
262 Cycling Home
263 Answaar on T.V.
264 A Late Sowing of Wildd 0ats
265 No Guarantee
266 Seeds of Hate
267 Slowdown, Slowdown
268 Renewal
269 Eventide
270 The Union
271 The Carousel
272 …..
273 Leathered Feet
274 The Necklace
275 Under the Sun
276 The 38th Reality
277 Revelation of the
278 A New Year Prayer
279 Secrets
280 Haiku—Porcupines
281 —The earth cried
282 -Spiders wait silent
283 Walking on moors, lost
284 Creation
28,5 Truth in Knowledge
286 The Hardness Tester
287 Latent Heat
288 Paradoxes
280 haiku ,porcupines
281 haiku ,the earth cried
282 haiku ,spiders
283 haiku ,walking on moors
284 Creation
285 Truth in knowledge
286 The Hardness Tester
287 Latent Heat
288 Paradoxes
289 Succulent and Sweet
290 Teenage suicide
291 The Cooling Water Tower
292 The Battle
293 Stones
294 Gloves
29$ Journey Backwards
96 Keys
297 The End
298 The End
299 Grinding
300 He Said
301 Wasp
302 Lunch
303 ……..
304 Gideon’s Fleece
30$ Watermelons
306 Two Minutes
307 Creation
308 Coburg
309 Bonded
310 The English Garden_Sim At Sixty
311 Breathe Carefully
312 Shosh Is There
313 T oo Soon
314 Training
315 Te’ufat Hagozal
316 The Young Flight
317 A Good Year—2oth Anniversary
318 Old Man
319 X_Ray Diffraction Machine
320 Consumers
321 By The Sword Or By The Word
322 Joseph’s Dream
323 The Plan
324 A Barrel Floats Idly On The Lake
325 The Network
326 Starting The Car In A Hamsin
327 A Price To Be Paid
I have over 600 poems, just have not updated the index....
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